This past weekend I got to spend a relaxing day on the sunny east coast of Florida.
Diane, Jake, Javen and I flew down Thursday morning and spent the weekend with Granny, Grandad, Aunt Jerrie, Jeff, Dennis and Jen. We had a great time playing cards, eating lots of good food, playing tennis, more cards, more food, playing pool volleyball, even more cards, and chasing Javen around. Jeff and I went to the beach on Saturday. We built a sandcastle (which points to the ocean, in case you were wondering where it was), played a little volleyball and soaked up some sun.
These birds cracked me up. They would run really fast toward the ocean as the waves receded so they could find food in the sand, then run even faster from the crashing waves coming towards them. Their little legs moved so fast they looked like cartoons. I kept calling them cartoon birds, much to Jeff's dismay (I believe they are really some kind of sandpiper- according to bird-man Jeff).