My goal was to leave my apartment by 8:30. The snooze button is a good friend of mine so I was running a little behind schedule. I had everything I needed to take with me for the day sitting by the door so I wouldn't forget anything as I rushed out the door. And rush out the door I did, locking it quickly behind me. Only to realize that I didn't grab my keys off the hook before I shut the door.
So there I was, standing at the top of the stairs, hands full of everything I needed except my keys. My first thought was, "what are the chances that the friendly Realtor whose office is downstairs might happen to have a key to my apartment?" I ran downstairs to find out... chances not good. I did find out, however, that my landlord would be arriving in about thirty minutes. So I gave him a call to let him know I'd be waiting for him.
I went back upstairs and sat down on the floor. I think the general reaction to this circumstance would be one of anger/frustration/annoyance/insert-negative-emotion-here. Thankfully, my reaction was none of those things. You see, my gracious heavenly Father knew that this morning I would hit the snooze button
God gave me those thirty minutes to spend with Him.
So that's what I did.
He's good at what He does.