It has been a busy summer. Things are finally starting to wind down, sorta. This past week was a busy one! And I think this week is going to be even busier. You see, since my good friend Jessie has moved to South Korea, I have been in the process of trying to find a different apartment. Long story short- I found a very small, very "Heather" apartment in downtown Franklin. My mom came last week to help me begin the move. I starting packing and cleaning last Monday. Friday was the official "move the furniture and anything else heavy/big day." With then help of some pretty awesome people (thanks guys!!!!!), all of my furniture was in my new apartment by 8:30 Friday night (which is saying somthing since I have so much furniture.) Saturday Mom helped me take a few more loads over in my car. We got everything but the kitchen, bathroom and my shoes (I have big feet and a lot of shoes). I had hoped to finish things up on Sunday but two things prevented that from happeining. One- mom went home so it was back to just me (thanks for all the help Mom!!). Two- an all day meeting. What meeting, you ask? Well, the reason things have been so busy lately and are about to get busier (besides moving) is because the Middle School Fall Retreat is this weekend (which you should come to if you are a ClearView middle schooler!!!). So after church on Sunday was spent in a Leader meeting and visit to Camp Widjiwagan (where our retreat is going to be).
All this to say, I've been slacking on my blogging as of late. And to make things worse, I have yet to get any photos of my new place (sorry Jessie). Photos are coming, I promise. But in the mean time, here's a little video for your viewing pleasure.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Happy New Computer!
So Jessie is in South Korea. She's teaching 6th grade at Global Christian School this year. Because we love her so very much, a bunch of us got together and bought her a little gift. You see, she has this computer that doesn't really work the way it should. It has a brand new battery (good, right?) but it randomly turns off every now and then (with or without the new battery, not good) And a few of the middle keys don't work (why, we don't know?) Problem.
Solution: buy her a new computer. All I had to do was send out a little message on good ole facebook and before I knew it we had collected enough moolah for a brand new computer (complete with travel backpack)! Before she left for SK, I presented her with an envelope full of $$ and a print out of the computer she was to buy.
Her reaction? I was hoping you'd ask...
realizing what was happening
reading the details

Solution: buy her a new computer. All I had to do was send out a little message on good ole facebook and before I knew it we had collected enough moolah for a brand new computer (complete with travel backpack)! Before she left for SK, I presented her with an envelope full of $$ and a print out of the computer she was to buy.
Her reaction? I was hoping you'd ask...
realizing what was happening
overjoyed :)

she just kept saying "thank you"

She went to BestBuy the next day and bought herself a new Toshiba laptop. So thanks to all of you who helped make this happen for Jess. She really really loved it!
And the best part? Her new computer has a web cam. Which means if you have Skype, you can video chat with her. Just don't forget about the time difference.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Heading East
Jessie and I drove to Maryland last Sunday. The drive was easy but long. We went to church then hit the road around 2:30pm.
We stopped in Knoxville to eat dinner with the Inman family.
We pulled in the driveway right at 4am. The next morning Jeff and Kendra got their wisdom teeth removed. Sadly I have no photos to prove it (though Jeff and Kendra probably aren't too sad about that). Since Dad was helping Mom take care of the chipmunks, I got to coach the first volleyball practice of the season at New Life. Yay volleyball.
Before I had to head back to Franklin, Jess and I also got to hang out with our favorite 7th grader named Haley. She's not so little anymore.
Jason was there too.
Soon Jessie will be heading even further east. Actually I think her flight goes west to get the the Far East. Whatever. Check out her blog Seoul Searching in South Korea.
As for me, I'm just apartment searching in Franklin.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
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