Saturday, February 27, 2010


As many of you know, I work at a church here in Franklin TN. What you may not know is what I do at a church here in Franklin TN. My official title is "Middle School Ministry Assistant"-whatever that means. Some people think I'm a middle school teacher, some people think I'm a secretary, some people think I'm a youth pastor. I think I'm none of those things but all of those things at the same time. I work 40 hrs/week, sometimes more. What do I do? Well, a lot of different things. For instance, right now I'm at a Girl's Ministry Conference at LifeWay in downtown Nashville. Two weekends ago I was a part of our church's Disciple Now weekend (which consisted of a weekend full of 240 students, 28 Bible Study leaders, one worship band, one speaker,countless volunteers, and not a lot of sleep). On a weekly basis I spend my time: planning events/mission trips/Bible studies, participating in events/mission trips/Bible studies, designing brochures/postcards/calendars/newsletters, preparing for Wednesday night worship and Sunday morning worship/Bible Study, figuring out how to best use our budget, keeping attendance records, hanging out with students, and trying my best to depend on Jesus for the strength I need to do all of those things.
That's what I do. It's crazy. And fun. And stressful at times. But it's also so rewarding.
If you want a glimpse of what I'm talking about, check out my other blog: Varnon Shmarnon.
Here I am, hard at work...

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thanks Di

Thank you to my big sister Diane for this blogging award!

Here's how it works:

1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the award and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Share 7 interesting things about yourself.
5. Nominate 7 bloggers.

7 Things About Me:
1. I want to travel the world.
2. My best friend lives in South Korea
3. Most of my friends here in TN are between the ages of 11 and 15

4. I'm the crazy aunt.
5. I love to reuse things to make new things.

6. I don't own a microwave

7. I love photography and would love to work for National Geographic

Since I'm not a huge blogg follower, I'm just going to nominate one fellow blog friend:
1. Jessie F

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


A little over 2 weeks ago, I turned 24. My mom was in town so Diane, Mom, Javen, Liam and I went to Merridee's for breakfast. Mom and Diane brought me flowers, a balloon and petit fours (a childhood favorite of mine). They also gave me a new shower head filter (since Franklin water is full of chlorine). Strange birthday gift, I know, but I was excited about it!

My (not so) little brother gave me this movie (complete with a magically-appearing-food-when-it-rains umbrella):
Aunt Joy sent me a fun little birthday package. In it was:
a scarf made of recycled cotton, a recycled jam jar with a few buttons in it (to which I added all of my saved buttons), a card, and this photo:
Javen & Liam? Nope- its Diane and me! Family resemblences are crazy!
Now, you might be wondering why in the world a button jar is a good birthday gift. Well, for someone like me who likes to reuse everything, it's a great gift! Not only are random buttons good to have around in case you lose one from your favorite coat, they can also be used to make things like:
napkin rings!
Hooray for birthdays! Thanks to everyone for the gifts, texts and facebook messages. And a special thanks to my wonderful family members who sent me cards in the mail (even though some never made it). I love getting mail, especially cards and letters!
I love you all!
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